
Data intelligence and transaction support, at scale

Our Rental Genome technology combines over 1 billion data points and is designed to support SFR operators and investors in their decision making. With decades of combined experience, our team is here to support your SFR journey at all stages of the investment lifecycle.

Rental Genome map layers


Sales volume tracked


Property rent estimates


Data points per home

Rental Genome Suite

Data-driven insights for decisive action

Person looking at Rental Genome Explorer on laptop

Rental Genome Explorer

SFR is a highly fragmented asset class. It’s easy to lose your way amidst billions of data points. Rental Genome Explorer provides the context and confidence investors seek when evaluating the competitive landscape, entering new markets, or expanding an existing portfolio.

Rental Genome Blended Sale

Rental Genome Optimizer

A truly data-driven portfolio strategy starts with reliable valuations and market data you can trust. Only then can you make smart buy/hold/sell decisions aligned to your investment objectives. Rental Genome Optimizer allows you to simulate potential strategies and critically evaluate possible outcomes before making your next move.

Selection of homes with map overlaid

Rental Genome Underwriter

Underwriting SFR assets at scale has historically been a cumbersome error-prone process. Rental Genome Underwriter deploys innovative workflow management tools, access to on and off-market inventory, and proprietary transaction data – all designed to produce new levels of accuracy and efficiency in underwriting.


Supporting all points along the journey

Overhead view of a neighborhood arc
Aerial view of neighborhood at sunrise
Asset managers working
The top of a light-colored boxy house at twilight